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Steve Griggs - Reviews

Jones For Elvin - Volume 1 Kudos

"Amazing...Unforgettable...Fabulous..." - Borders Books and Music

"A landmark album" - Paul de Barros, Seattle Times

"Easily one of the finest jazz releases of '99" - Jason West, Seattle Weekly

"Eagerly awaited recording..." - Keith Raether, Seattle Post-Intelligencer

"Steve's compositions are great and his playing is phenomenal." - John Gilbreath, President, Earshot Jazz

"Staggering...transcendent...sublime..." - Peter Monaghan, Editor, Earshot Jazz

"That was a GREAT record we made. Let's make ANOTHER one!" - Elvin Jones

"Totally first-cabin." - Jay Thomas

"What a ball it must have been to play with Elvin - Good for you." - Jon Vanhala, Impulse Records

I just received your new CD, Jones for Elvin about four hours ago. I really enjoyed listening to it. You can be assured that beginning with my show tonight, your CD will get plenty of airplay in metro Detroit. - Ed Love, WDET, Detroit, MI

All I can say is that there has been nothing but a positive response to the Jones For Elvin record since we began playing it here in Central New York about a month ago. I'm glad to see it has caught on in other parts of the country as well. - Eric Cohen, WAER, Syracuse, NY

Radio play here is starting tomorrow, with Flora and Sentimental Mood (beautifully done!). The compositions are good, and I enjoy your tenor playing and tone. There is no doubt that there is a master drummer on the date- wow! How a master can really contribute to the music and not just the rhythm, is demonstrated convincingly by Elvin. - Jack Simpson, WFIT-FM and WUCF-FM, Cocoa, FL

The record is good, and appreciated by WEMU hosts as you can tell. (Number 10 on playlist for November) - Linda Yohn, WEMU, Ypsilanti, MI

I'm impressed with your compositions and with the group's playing. I'm using "Jay's Maze" on this weekend's show, and will certainly be using more from the disc in coming weeks. - John Simna, WCLV, Cleveland, OH

I really like it and have been playing it regularly. It's in "heavy rotation" at KBCS and will stay there for a couple months. - Gordon Todd, KBCS, Bellevue, WA

Your CD is in rotation. Thanks for the music. - Nick Morrison, KPLU, Tacoma, WA